Sunday, November 7, 2010

Halloween was Here

I didn't make any posts in October. I needed to take that month to get into Chicago and midwest living. I started working a lot more and hanging out with more people.And! Halloween happened!

Halloween starts in the costume shop.

scary costumes!
sexy costumes!
japanese harajuku girl costume?

Halloween is next taken to the streets!

Since my birthday is on Halloween, we went to Phoebe's Cupcakes for birthday cupcakes.

buried alive cupcake = chocolate chocolate chocolate
i forget the name of this one, but it was a carmel apple flavor with a sugary candy razorblade. 
eyeball cupcakes. we had to get two. these were classic funfetti flavored.
While we were at Phoebe's, children were piling in to go trick or treating at all of the stores around the neighborhood.
I went to a really fun show on the fourth floor of a giant loft space. Everyone was dressed up to perfection. I had about an hour to put a costume together since I was gone the whole day visiting with family, so I just went as a zombie. It was easy and fun. I could have done better, but whatever.

Michelle Muck
Oh! And of course! Pumpkins!

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