Sunday, June 12, 2011

Show At The Hideout

Thursday was cold! I am currently apartment hunting in Logan Square and Wicker Park. I live in Lakeview, which meant I had travel on two buses for 45 minutes to get to Logan Square from my place. I had three appointments scheduled, all of course hours apart: 2:15, 4:15, 6:00. I left my apartment is such a rush that I didn't even notice the weather and found myself frantically searching for a place to buy a hoodie after my 2:15 appointment. All that was around was American Apparel and if paid way too much for this navy blue thing that I will be wearing everyday from now on in order to compensate.

After apartment hunting I met up with Jesi and we went to see a great show at The Hideout.

True to its name, the Hideout is a small haven on far west Wabansia St. The street itself offers little more than old industrial buildings. If not for the shockingly bright street lamps that were making the scariness of boarded and abandoned factories appear less so, no one would find the little house hidden around the corner.

The inside is dark and crowded around the bar. The stage area is big and open. The tables are comfortable with having been carved in to by former venue patrons and the floors are checked in red and green. Twinkle lights drape the ceilings.

Jesi's friend is the drummer for the opening band, Panoramic and True, comprised of eight instruments: drums, 2 guitars, bass, cello, viola, and 2 violins. In shore, rock and roll with a string section.

Next up was a performance by Steinomite and his back-up dancers. Steinomite is a rapper donning a burgundy lounge blazer and Burt Bacharach inspired wig. The back up dancers are appropriately geeked out and very much into the "the bestness" that is Steinomite. His show was as much theater as it was truly entertaining music.

 Not pictured was the alien abduction segment, but I do have an image of the flautist. 

Headlining, was Singing In The Abbey. Following in the spirit of Panoramic and View, Singing in the Abbey is mostly pretty ladies in lacey dresses being amazing on strings: cello, violin, stand up bass. The lead singer plays piano and there is a drummer.

Can you see the old looking piano on the stage in some of the photos? I don't know if it was hers, but the aesthetic of the band was almost more authentic with singer, Annie just absolutely rocking on that piano. This band was beautiful. 
Thanks to all of these great bands, I had a fantastic first experience at The Hideout.Also, the bathrooms were clean and seemed to never run out of toilet paper!

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