Saturday, September 18, 2010

Postcards: From Miyajima, Japan

The following are meant to be in contrast with my photos from the Porcupine Mountains State Park in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. These photos were primarily taken during Golden Week in 2009 when my mom came for a visit from the US. Golden Week is the week from April 29- May 5 in Japan that consists of 5 nearly consecutive holiday's, and the majority of the country is given time off. Golden Week is one of the two biggest travelling periods of the year in Japan.

Miyajima is a small island off the coast of Japan, just outside of Hiroshima. There is not a bridge connecting the mainland to the small island, so the primary mode of transport between the two land masses is by ferry.

The first thing to see as the ferry pulls into the dock.
The sign is warning against touching deer with antlers. The deer is saying "I'm dangerous!"    
Paper eating, antlerless deer.
Map for touring around Miyajima and the Ropeways.
The paths are well paved with little to no real woodsy type of trekking. The idea is that people could walk Mt. Misen without much effort or need for a proper hiking shoe, as seen below:
This was taken a considerable distance up the mountain. Those heels are roughly 3" high.
Well paved inclines and stone steps.

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